Heath's Old Wares & Collectables, Industrial Antiques, 19-21 Broadway, Burringbar. NSW 2483 Open 7 Days, Phone 0266771181

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World War 2 wire strainers from 1942 & 1942 for sale at Heaths Old Wares, Collectables, Antiques & Industrial Antiques, 19-21 Broadway, Burringbar NSW 2483 Ph 0266771181 open 7 days Early Kooka Kookaburra Stove door for sale at Heaths Old Wares, Collectables 19-21 Broadway Burringbar NSW 2483 Ph 0266771181 open 7 days Alvis coach builder plates for vintage cars, for sale at Heaths Old Wares 19-21 Broadway Burringbar NSW 2483 ph: 0266771181 open 7 days 9am to 5pm Coach Builder plates, Chas Kirkham, Parammatta Road Sydney, for sale at Heaths Old Wares 19-21 Broadway Burringbar NSW 2483 ph: 0266771181 open 7 days 9am to 5pm
WW2 D^D Wire Cutters
1945 $100
1942 $95
Early Kooka Stove doors-
Kookaburra 150 ea
Pair of Alvis coach builder plates
for vintage cars
Coach Builder plates, Chas Kirkham,
Parammatta Road Sydney
Antique cream cans for sale at Heaths Old Wares, Collectables, Antiques & Industrial Antiques, 19-21 Broadway, Burringbar NSW 2483 Ph 0266771181 open 7 days Long handled gal scoop or shovel for sale at Heaths Old Wares, Collectables, Antiques & Industrial Antiques, 19-21 Broadway, Burringbar NSW 2483 Ph 0266771181 open 7 days Antique timber file shelf unit on casters for sale at Heaths Old Wares, Collectables & Industrial Antiques, 19-21 Broadway, Burringbar NSW 2483 Ph 0266771181 Large heavy cast iron anchor for sale at Heaths Old Wares, Collectables, Antiques & Industrial Antiques, 19-21 Broadway, Burringbar NSW 2483 Ph 0266771181 open 7 days
Antique cream cans
$150- $450
Gal tray scoop shovel
Antique timber file shelf unit on casters
Classic Admiralty shape antique
cast iron anchor
Antique butter boxes, lamp glasses for sale at Heaths Old Wares, Collectables, Antiques & Industrial Antiques, 19-21 Broadway, Burringbar NSW 2483 Ph 0266771181 open 7 days Antique butter boxes and spare parts for sale at Heaths Old Wares, Collectables, Antiques & Industrial Antiques, 19-21 Broadway, Burringbar NSW 2483 Ph 0266771181 open 7 days Bits and bobs for games, hinges, latches, who knows what! for sale at Heaths Old Wares, Collectables, Antiques & Industrial Antiques, 19-21 Broadway, Burringbar NSW 2483 Ph 0266771181 open 7 days Original cream cans and butter boxes  for sale at Heaths Old Wares, Collectables, Antiques & Industrial Antiques, 19-21 Broadway, Burringbar NSW 2483 Ph 0266771181 open 7 days
Butter boxes and spare parts
for all sorts of things
Butter boxes and spare parts
for all sorts of things
Butter boxes and spare parts
for all sorts of things
Variety of cream cans,
butter boxes and
timber crates
Large quantity of Butter Box Ends - Allowrie, Norco, all sorts in ply wood for sale at Heaths Old Wares, Collectables & Industrial Antiques, 19-21 Broadway, Burringbar NSW 2483 Ph 0266771181 solid timber antique butter box for sale at Heaths Old Wares, Collectables & Industrial Antiques, 19-21 Broadway, Burringbar NSW 2483 Ph 0266771181 Antique movie reel spool storage trunk - for sale at Heaths Old Wares, Collectables, Antiques & Industrial Antiques, 19-21 Broadway, Burringbar NSW 2483 Ph 0414860587 ; 0415389803 open 7 days original timber and wire soil sieve  for sale at Heath's Old Wares, Collectables, Antiques & Industrial Antiques, 19-21 Broadway, Burringbar NSW 2483 Ph 0266771181 open 7 days
Assorted plywood original
butter box ends
$10 each
Antique solid timber Butter Box
Movie film reel SPOOL metal storage trunk
timber and wire soil sieves
$60 - $100
large galvanised feed scoop for sale at Heaths Old Wares, Collectables & Industrial Antiques, 19-21 Broadway, Burringbar NSW 2483 Ph 0266771181 Antique Rabone 200 foot tape measure for sale at Heaths Old Wares, Collectables, Antiques & Industrial Antiques, 19-21 Broadway, Burringbar NSW 2483 Ph 0266771181 open 7 days Scales with 5 weights $160 for sale at Heaths Old Wares, Collectables, Antiques & Industrial Antiques, 19-21 Broadway, Burringbar NSW 2483 Ph 0266771181 open 7 days Old assorted metal buckles for sale at Heath's Old Wares , Collectables and Industrial Antiques 19-21 Broadway Burringbar, Open 7 Days Ph 0266771181
Large galvanised scoop
Rabone 200 foot leather cased tape measure
Antique scales with 5 weights
Assorted metal and brass belt buckles
$5 ea
GRAPNEL ALUMINIUM ANCHOR for sale at Heaths Old Wares, Collectables, Antiques & Industrial Antiques, 19-21 Broadway, Burringbar NSW 2483 Ph 0266771181 open 7 days original army metal ammo boxes for sale at Heath's Old Wares , Collectables and Industrial Antiques 19-21 Broadway Burringbar, Open 7 Days Ph 0266771181 Aluminium score board numbers from bowling for sale at Heaths Old Wares, Collectables & Industrial Antiques, 19-21 Broadway, Burringbar NSW 2483 Ph 0266771181 Industrial antique battery box for sale at Heaths Old Wares, Collectables, Antiques & Industrial Antiques, 19-21 Broadway, Burringbar NSW 2483 Ph 0266771181 open 7 days
Grapnel anchor Assorted original vintage army ammo boxes Assorted aluminium numbers $5 each Possibly a battery box...
you tell us!
Antique carpet roller trolley for sale at Heaths Old Wares, Collectables, Antiques & Industrial Antiques, 19-21 Broadway, Burringbar NSW 2483 Ph 0266771181 open 7 days Isa mine cup $45 and gal cup $40 for sale at Heaths Old Wares, Collectables, Antiques & Industrial Antiques, 19-21 Broadway, Burringbar NSW 2483 Ph 0266771181 open 7 days Cleaver $80 for sale at Heaths Old Wares, Collectables, Antiques & Industrial Antiques, 19-21 Broadway, Burringbar NSW 2483 Ph 0266771181 open 7 days Brades cleaver $80 for sale at Heaths Old Wares, Collectables, Antiques & Industrial Antiques, 19-21 Broadway, Burringbar NSW 2483 Ph 0266771181 open 7 days
Antique carpet roller
Isa mine cup $45
gal cup $40
Cleaver $80 Brades cleaver $80
industrial vintage metal drawers  for sale at Heath's Old Wares, Collectables, Antiques & Industrial Antiques, 19-21 Broadway, Burringbar NSW 2483 Ph 0266771181 open 7 days yellow painted industrial drawers  for sale at Heath's Old Wares, Collectables, Antiques & Industrial Antiques, 19-21 Broadway, Burringbar NSW 2483 Ph 0266771181 open 7 days    
industrial metal drawers
$30 each
Yellow painted industrial metal drawers
$30 each

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Last updated December 6, 2024

Please email us for any questions: heathsoldwares@gmail.com

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